Machine learning models for automated interpretation of 12-lead electrocardiographic signals: a narrative review of tech...
Machine learning models for automated interpretation of 12-lead electrocardiographic signals: a narrative review of techniques, challenges, achievements and clinical relevance
Review Article
Machine learning models for automated interpretation of 12-lead electrocardiographic signals: a narrative review of techniques, challenges, achievements and clinical relevance
Panteleimon Pantelidis1,2^, Maria Bampa1^, Evangelos Oikonomou2^, Panagiotis Papapetrou1^
1Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden;
23rd Department of Cardiology, Thoracic Diseases General Hospital “Sotiria”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: P Pantelidis; (II) Administrative support: M Bampa, P Papapetrou, E Oikonomou; (III) Provision of study material or patients: P Pantelidis; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: P Pantelidis, M Bampa; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: P Pantelidis, M Bampa; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
Correspondence to: Panteleimon Pantelidis, MD, MSc. Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Borgarfjordsgatan 12, Kista, Stockholm, Sweden. Email:
Background and Objective: Novel advances in machine learning (ML) and its subfield, deep learning (DL), as well as the recent release of large-scale electrocardiogram (ECG) databases, have driven a sharp increase in research related to automated ECG interpretation. This review aims to summarize the recent ML approaches for automatically interpreting standard 12-lead ECG signals.
Methods: We searched 10 indexing databases, for original research in English, referring to the application of ML/DL techniques in 12-lead, raw ECG signal analysis. The retrieved titles were filtered based on their relevance. The results were summarized and reported.
Key Content and Findings: More than 80% of studies integrated a DL approach, while fewer attempts applied a feature extraction method to obtain inputs for training a simple ML classifier. The average diagnostic accuracy was as high as 90%, while several other performance metrics, such as the area under the curve (AUC), F1-score, sensitivity and specificity, were also employed. DL models generally demanded 10-time more samples for training but were capable of better handling multi-class problems. The most frequently involved disease (49% of studies) was myocardial infarction (MI), while atrial fibrillation (AF) was encountered in more than one-third of studies. Various datasets were used for training and testing, constituting either private collections or publicly available databanks [such as the “Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt” (PTB) dataset and datasets derived from the “China Physiological Signal Challenge” and the “Computing in Cardiology Challenge”]. Overall, DL and simpler ML approaches for automated ECG interpretation display unprecedented growth, reaching remarkably high performances.
Conclusions: While such novel tools can support clinicians in reaching reliable diagnoses for life-threatening conditions on the spot, concerns regarding their accountability do exist. Generalizability of the developed approaches is still an issue, possibly mitigable with the extensive deployment of developed models, so as to become massively accessible and validatable. Finally, the observed heterogeneity of the various attempts underlines the need for transparency and reproducibility in the development processes.
Keywords: ECG; electrocardiogram; machine learning (ML); deep learning (DL)
Received: 10 November 2022; Accepted: 08 May 2023; Published online: 30 May 2023.
doi: 10.21037/jmai-22-94
Since its conception in 1872 by Muirhead, and its formal establishment in 1901 by Einthoven, electrocardiogram (ECG) has been considered a cornerstone of the diagnostic armamentarium in cardiology (1,2). The main concept lies in applying several electrodes onto the patient’s skin to capture the voltage signals produced by heartbeat cycles (normal or abnormal), from different angles. The conventional clinical setting involves the application of 10 electrodes, whose inputs are combined to produce a 12-lead electrical signal, namely a collection of 12 time-series signals of voltage (3). These 12 signals represent 12 different “looking angles”, six on the coronal plane (“limb” leads) and six on the transverse one (“precordial” leads). To employ ECG as a diagnostic tool, clinicians and researchers are trained to identify the ECG features distinguishably present in each abnormal heart condition. This has led to a rule-based system for identifying ECG compartments (e.g., P wave, QRS complex, ST segment) and their morphological characteristics (e.g., duration, amplitude, shape) and relating them to distinct clinical entities in order to reach a diagnosis. Back in the 1950s, the first attempts to automatically interpret ECGs were based on the same idea (4). Rule-based algorithms were used to delineate ECG signals, detect and extract their components (e.g., the QRS morphology, QRS duration, PR duration) and relate the findings to clinical diseases, according to predefined rules, based on domain knowledge, thus simulating a human examiner (5). However, up until now, such methods have received considerable criticism due to their suboptimal predictive accuracy that might mislead inexperienced clinicians into false conclusions (4).
Today, in the era of machine (ML) and deep learning (DL), new approaches arose as potential solutions to this challenge (6,7). ML and DL techniques have a long history in medical practice. The application of these techniques in medicine began in the 1970s, where statistical and probabilistic models were used to analyze medical data (8). However, it was not until the advent of computer technology and increased computing power that ML and DL began to be used more widely in medical practice. One of the earliest applications of ML in medical practice was in the field of radiology. In the 1980s, researchers began to use ML algorithms to analyze medical images, such as X-rays and computed tomography (CT) scans (9). These algorithms were able to identify patterns and anomalies in the images that were not visible to the human eye, helping radiologists to make more accurate diagnoses. Since then, ML and DL have been used in various medical fields, including oncology, cardiology, neurology, and genomics. DL has made significant advances in medical practice in recent years. DL techniques have been used to develop predictive models for patient outcomes, disease diagnosis, and drug discovery (10).
With respect to automated ECG analysis, the most basic ML approach uses algorithms to extract more abstract features from ECG data, often not interpretable by the human eye. After applying some dimensionality reduction technique, such as Discrete Fourier Transformation (DFT) or Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT), these features (for example, frequency coefficients of a frequency spectrum, derived by DFT, or wavelet coefficients produced by DWT) are then “fed” to a simple ML classifier, such as a k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) or a support vector machine (SVM) model to establish a relationship used for classification (11). The most recent approach, representing an “end-to-end” solution, is the application of DL with neural networks (NN) (12,13). In this case, raw ECG data are roughly “dumped” to an NN that “learns” the complex parameters mediating the relationship between data points and the associated different clinical entities (labels). Various NN architectures with different components can be applied for this task. For example, long-short term memory (LSTM) structures, which re-use previously seen information during later processing, and residual NN layers that preserve raw information by enabling it to “bypass” intermediate analysis steps, are useful techniques for that purpose. On top of that, many approaches often involve extensive data preprocessing and frequently employ combinations of the aforementioned techniques, usually by applying a feature extraction method, and then serving the extracted features as inputs to an NN model.
Rationale and objective
Considering the remarkable variations among potential models, including simpler ML techniques (such as SVM, kNN) and purely DL models with various configurations, the high heterogeneity of different approaches becomes evident. Additionally, the orientation of the task at hand can vary significantly. ECG interpretation models can be utilized for many purposes and in many different settings, ranging from binary classification of specific entities [for example, atrial fibrillation (AF) against normal] using few-lead, long-duration settings (such as Holter devices), up to multi-label classification into several diseases, from the standard 12-lead ECG setting (14-16). This great abundance of different models and focuses, along with the recent release of several large-scale, high-quality, annotated ECG datasets (17-20), has led to an explosive growth in relevant projects, which, in turn, generates the need for summarizing them, assessing the current state in the field, and fostering a solid ground for future research. Aligning with this need, this narrative review constitutes a comprehensive summary of advances in the field of ML/DL-enabled automated ECG interpretation, focusing on the clinically relevant, standard 12-lead ECG setting, and providing evidence for the predictive performance of the various approaches. We present this article in accordance with the Narrative Review reporting checklist (available at
Eligibility criteria
We included titles relevant to automated interpretation of the ECG, using ML or DL techniques. Not prototype studies or studies not in English were excluded. Additionally, studies using fewer than 12 leads as initial input (for example, 3-lead Holter signals) were also excluded. We followed this approach to narrow down the spectrum of included settings to only the 12-lead standard ones and avoid heterogeneity in application fields. Studies that used initial inputs other than raw ECG signals (for example, heartbeat features such as RR interval) were not included. Similarly, models that produced classification outputs (labels) other than clinical entities (for example, heartbeat features such as PR prolongation) or performed the binary classification “normal/abnormal” were excluded to ensure the clinical usability of the studies included. Studies that did not report metrics for their predictive performance were also excluded.
Search strategy and study selection
We searched PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Microsoft Academic, dblp—Computer Science Bibliography, ACM Digital Library, arXiv, medRxiv and bioRxiv indexing databases for relevant titles, from January 2016 up to January 2021 (Table 1). To implement the aforementioned inclusion criteria, an appropriate set of search terms was used, depending on each specific database. The following search query is an indicative example for PubMed: (“ECG” OR “electrocardiogram”) AND ((“pattern” OR “signal” OR “automatic”) AND (“recognition” OR “detection” OR “prediction” OR “analysis” OR “reading” OR “diagnosis”)) AND (“algorithm” OR “machine learning” OR “ML” OR “deep learning” OR “DL” OR “neural networks” OR “CNN” OR “RNN” OR “time series” OR “series analysis”). After screening and filtering the retrieved titles, based on content eligibility, paradigmatic studies were shortlisted and presented.
Table 1
The search strategy summary
Date of search
January 2021
Databases and other sources searched
PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Microsoft Academic, dblp—Computer Science Bibliography, ACM Digital Library, arXiv, medRxiv and bioRxiv
Search terms used
Terms related to ECG: (“ECG” OR “electrocardiogram”), pattern recognition: ((“pattern” OR “signal” OR “automatic”) AND (“recognition” OR “detection” OR “prediction” OR “analysis” OR “reading” OR “diagnosis”)), and ML/DL algorithms and models: (“algorithm” OR “machine learning” OR “ML” OR “deep learning” OR “DL” OR “neural networks” OR “CNN” OR “RNN” OR “time series” OR “series analysis”)
From 2016 to 2021
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Prototype studies in English, relevant to automated interpretation of the ECG, using ML or DL techniques. Studies using fewer than 12 leads as initial input were excluded. Studies that used initial inputs other than raw ECG signals, as well as those with models producing classification outputs (labels) other than clinical entities or performing binary classification into “normal/abnormal”, were also excluded. Studies not reporting performance metrics were not included
Selection process
Two authors independently screened and filtered the retrieved titles, based on content eligibility. In case of discrepancies, a third author was involved and the decision was reached by majority voting
The algorithm type employed, its configuration/architecture, the dataset(/s) used, the number and type of labels involved and the performance metrics applied, were the main features extracted. Moreover, the dataset size, as well as the subset percentage allocated for training, were documented. The performance measures are reported for testing on unseen external data or on a hold-out fold, and if none of these approaches were followed, then they represent the average cross-validation scores. For studies applying a two-step classification model [for example, myocardial infarction (MI) vs. normal, followed by the type of myocardial infarction], the performance measure is reported for the final step. Further information about the ECG databanks, such as the recording frequency and the length of their waveforms, was obtained. The availability of the source code and the data used is also reported.
Algorithm types
The majority of studies (35 studies, 81%) employed various DL techniques, either as complete “end-to-end” solutions, or in conjunction with other approaches, such as feature extraction techniques (Table 2). Although falling into the same algorithmic category, these studies display great heterogeneity in the architecture of their NN (Table S1). Both convolutional and recurrent NN (CNN, RNN; respectively) are widely used, with CNN present in 28 studies (80%) and RNN in 13 (37%). A usual pattern suggests RNN for parallel “temporal” analysis (across each lead) and CNN for “spatial” analysis (aggregating outputs from all previously analyzed leads), although CNN can be used for “temporal” analysis as well (21-28). Gated recurrent units (GRU) and LSTM layers were shown to display superior performance, against the vanilla version of RNN (29). Quite often is the use of bidirectional RNN, GRU and LSTM structures (9 studies, 26%), in order to retain information in both directions (back and forth) during processing (25,27,30-36). The ReLu activation function is typically employed after each convolution in hidden layers, while Softmax (multi-label classification) and Sigmoid (binary classification and multi-label classification with multiple labels per entry) activation functions are used in the final layer. Pooling (average, max or custom) and batch normalization layers are widely applied several times in intermediate steps, to reduce the dimensionality, improve performance and speed-up the whole training process. Residual blocks, with skip connections, are found in 12 studies (34%) in order to preserve the information intact, in parallel with its processing through other layers, before concatenating the two outputs (22,26,37-46). Attention layers and inception blocks are also encountered. Attention mechanisms are quite often (10 studies, 22%) as a means for focusing on important intermediate inputs and improving performance (23,25,26,30-32,36,37,47,48). On the contrary, inception is more rarely applied (3 studies, 7%) in order to reduce overfitting and computational cost (24,44,48). The exclusive use of more traditional ML techniques is also found in some studies. These often involve a technique for abstract feature extraction, most usually DFT, DWT or a similar variation, and then “feed” the extracted features to train a simple ML classifier, such as kNN or SVM (49-53). Another frequent pattern is the combinatorial employment of both feature extraction techniques (usually a DWT or a DFT approach) and the use of these extracted features for training an NN (37,43,45,54-57). Data preprocessing techniques are also frequently encountered, with noise reduction and signal normalization commonly applied. Moreover, many studies prefer not to use the whole, repetitive ECG signals, but slice the long ones to achieve equal lengths, or segment them into separate beats and select representative ones. A detailed presentation of different algorithm architectures for each study, along with relevant comments, is provided in Table S1.
Table 2
Summary of study characteristics
Total number of samples
Performance metric†
Adedinsewo et al., 2020
Attia, Kapa, et al., 2019
Attia, Noseworthy, et al., 2019
AF, non-AF (future onset)
Cai et al., 2020
Int, CPSC2018, MLws
AF, normal
Chen et al., 2020
Darmawahyuni et al., 2019
MI, normal
Feng et al., 2019
SRa, ST, PAC, PVC, RBBB, LVHV, STc, Tc, Lad, normal
Fu et al., 2020
Han & Shi, 2019
MI, non-MI
Jafarian et al., 2020
Jia et al., 2019
AF, I-AVB, RBBB, LAFB, PVC, PAC, ER, Tc, normal
0.872 (f1)
Jo et al., 2021
Int, PTB-XL, ChapECG, CinC2017
AF, non-AF
Khawaja, 2018
Hypertrophy, MI, normal
Li et al., 2020
AF, I-AVB, RBBB, LAFB, PVC, PAC, ER, Tc, normal
Liu J et al., 2019
MI, normal
Liu W et al., 2020
Lu et al., 2020
SVT, VT, MI, LVH, LAtH, normal
Makimoto et al., 2020
MI, non-MI
Megahed et al., 2019
0.993 (f1)
Mostayed et al., 2018
0.739 (f1)
Oh et al., 2017
CAD, non-CAD
Oppelt et al., 2020
CinC2020 classes
Padhy & Dandapat, 2017
Prabhakararao & Dandapat, 2020
EMI, AcMI, CMI, non-MI, normal
Raghunath et al., 2020
AF, non-AF (future onset)
0.83 (auc)
Ribeiro et al., 2020
0.926 (f1)
Sigurthorsdottir et al., 2020
CinC2020 classes
Strodthoff & Strodthoff, 2019
AMI, IMI, normal
0.933 (sen)
Tison et al., 2019
PTB, Int
PAH, HyC, CA, MVP, normal
0.87 (auc)
Tripathy & Dandapat, 2016
BBB, MI, HMD, normal
Tripathy & Dandapat, 2017
BBB, MI, HMD, normal
Tripathy et al., 2019a
Tripathy et al., 2019b
MI, non-MI
Wang C et al., 2019
AF, I-AVB, RBBB, LAFB, PVC, PAC, ER, Tc, normal
0.863 (f1)
Wang HM et al., 2019
AMI, IMI, normal
0.953 (auc)
Yao et al., 2020
Yuan & Xing, 2019
AF, I-AVB, RBBB, LAFB, PVC, PAC, ER, Tc, normal
0.879 (f1)
Zhang X et al., 2019
Zhang X et al., 2020
PAC, AF, Afl, PVC, asystole, oMI, MI, LVHV, STc, hyperK, Tc, LVH, I-AVB, II-AVB, LBBB, RBBB, VpES, normal
Zhang D et al., 2021
Zhang J et al., 2020
Zhang J et al., 2021
Zhu et al., 2020
Several including I-AVB, II-AVB, VT, PAC, AF, WPW, normal
0.983 (auc)
†, represents accuracy for most studies, except when otherwise indicated, according to the following notion: (f1), F1-score; (auc), area under the curve; (sen), sensitivity (for multi-label classification models the average values are provided). DL, deep learning; sML, simple (non-DL) machine learning; Mi, Mixed methods (more details on the algorithms used in each approach are provided in Table S1); Int, internal database (private collection); CPSC2018, China Physiological Signal Challenge 2018; MLws, Mason-Likar wearable ECG 12-lead system; PTB, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt ECG database; CCDD, Chinese Cardiovascular Disease Database; 1stChiECG, First China ECG Intelligent Competition; PTB-XL, new release of PTB ECG database; ChapECG; Chapman ECG database; CinC2020/2017, PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology 2020 or 2017; INCART, St. Petersburg INCART 12-lead Arrhythmia Database; STAFIII, STAFF III Database in PhysioNet; N/A, not applicable; n.a., not available; LVSD, left ventricular systolic dysfunction; AF, atrial fibrillation; I-AVB, 1st degree atrioventricular block; LBBB, left BBB; RBBB, right BBB; BBB, bundle branch block; PAC, premature atrial contraction; PVC, premature ventricular contraction; STD, ST-segment depression; STE, ST-segment elevation; MI, myocardial infarction; SRa, sinus-rhythm arrhythmia; ST, sinus tachycardia; LVHV, left ventricle high voltage; STc, ST-segment change; Tc, T-wave change; Lad, left axis deviation; AMI, anterior MI; ALMI, anterolateral MI; ASMI, anteroseptal MI; IMI, inferior MI; ILMI, inferolateral MI; IPLMI, inferoposterolateral MI; LAFB, left anterior fascicular block; ER, early repolarization; SVT, supraventricular tachycardia; VT, ventricular tachycardia; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; LAtH, left atrial hypertrophy; IPMI, inferoposterior MI; PMI, posterior MI; PLMI, posterolateral MI; CAD, coronary artery disease; EMI, early progression of MI; AcMI, acute MI; CMI, chronic MI; SB, sinus bradycardia; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; HyC, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; CA, cardiac amyloidosis; MVP, mitral valve prolapse; HMD, heart muscle defect; Afl, atrial flutter; oMI, old MI; hyperK, hyperkalemia; II-AVB, 2nd degree atrioventricular block; VpES, ventricular pre-excitation syndrome; WPW, Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome.
As shown in Table 2, 12 (28%) projects use an internal dataset for training and testing, usually derived from the clinical environment of the researchers. The remaining studies employ publicly available datasets, while a few use datasets offered in the context of relevant contests (25,26,30,32,35,37,39,41,43,45,47,58). Five (12%) projects employ combinations of two (23,55,59), three (58) or four (41) datasets, by using separate datasets for development and testing, or by mixing them and then splitting them from scratch for the different building stages. The “Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt” (PTB) ECG dataset (60), present in 21 studies (49%), is the most widely used source of data. Its current version was released in 2004, consisting of 549 ECGs by 290 different individuals, belonging to nine different classes. The second most frequent databank is the “China Physiological Signal Challenge 2018” dataset, adopted by six studies (14%). The “First China ECG Smart Competition” dataset, the “China Cardiovascular Disease Database” (CCDD) and the data from “Computing in Cardiology/Physionet Challenge 2020” follow, with two associated projects each. More details on the most frequent data sources are provided in Table 3. Finally, some datasets, such as the “Chapman ECG” dataset, the “St. Petersburg INCART 12-lead Arrhythmia Database” and the PTB-XL database are exploited by only one study each. PTB-XL, released in April 2020, is the most recent, large, publicly available ECG dataset, with more than 21,000 ECG samples of 10 seconds length, obtained from 18,885 individuals. The ECG samples are classified roughly into five super-classes (MI, ST-/T-change, conduction disturbance, hypertrophy and normal) with many secondary subcategories, accompanied by a rich collection of demographic and clinical information. A usual approach is to segment the ECG lines into several frames or even single heartbeats, so that a large number of datapoints is generated. The most frequent algorithm for QRS detection and beat separation is the Pan-Tompkins algorithm (61). The average dataset size across all studies is 158,490, with an average size for the training set equal to 134,053. Models based on DL or mixed techniques (DL combined with other methods) demanded more subjects for training (158,577 on average) than simpler ML models (an average of 14,940 samples).
Table 3
Most frequently used datasets
Year of release
Length (s)
Frequency (Hz)
Label size
Comments and availability
PTB Diagnostic ECG Database
9 (with additional specific details for each case)
Size refers to the number of ECG records included. Length refers to each ECG record. SNOMED Clinical Terms ( PTB, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt; ECG, electrocardiogram; SNOMED CT, Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms.
There are great variations among studies concerning the clinical entities used as labels (Table S2). The most widely included pathology is the MI (62,63), encountered in 21 (49%) of the studies. In nine of them, the model also focuses on the localization of the infarction (inflicted area). AF is the second most popular disease, included in 16 (37%) of the studies. Moreover, while most studies attempt to identify the ongoing heart condition from the ECG, a few studies claim to provide predictive value for future onset of AF (22,24) or other conditions (21). Different combinations of these clinical entities are used in each study (often underlined by the employed, already annotated, dataset), with an average of seven different disease classes per study. Detailed information on the included class labels is provided in Table 2.
Performance metrics
In the present review, only studies providing metrics for their predictive performance were included. Most of them apply several different measures, such as accuracy, area under the curve (AUC), F1-score, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value (PPV and NPV; respectively), while two studies adopt custom metrics (25,37). The most widely used performance metric is accuracy, namely the percentage of correct to overall attempted diagnoses, present in 32 (74%) of the studies. The average, unweighted accuracy is 89.3% [standard deviation (SD) =11.5%], although performance can vary significantly with respect to several factors, such as the algorithm type, the algorithm configuration, the train/test sets and the label size and balance (Figure 1). While the mean specificity, representing the ability of the model to correctly distinguish normal samples, was 91.2%, the mean sensitivity, namely the model’s performance in identifying positive cases, was fairly lower at 89.3%. The mean AUC was 91.6%, while average F1-score was 84%. Finally, the mean NPV was found higher than the average PPV (94% and 85.7%, respectively). A detailed report of all the performance measures for each study can be found in Table S3. Apart from providing evidence for their predictive performance, four studies took a step forward and compared the performance of their algorithms against that of benchmark diagnostic techniques or human evaluators, concluding that the automated algorithms can outperform the existing, traditional diagnostic approaches (38,46,64,65).
Figure 1 Algorithm types (x-axis) along with the most frequently used performance metrics (y-axis for metric value, dot color for metric type) and label sizes (dot size). ACC, accuracy; F1, F1-score; AUC, area under the curve; SEN, sensitivity; DL, Exclusively Deep Learning methods; Mi, Mixed methods; sML, Simpler Machine Learning methods; N/A, not available.
Additional information
Five out of the 43 studies were available only as not peer-reviewed preprints, indexed in arXiv, medRxiv and bioRxiv (24,25,35,37,39). Most studies do not provide instructions for accessing the source code, with only 8 (19%) offering explicit directions (21,24,30,35,38,39,46,55). Of the overall 12 studies using non-publicly available datasets, only 4 of them (33%) provided instructions for accessing the source data (21,24,38,46). Finally, according to the 16 studies (37%) offering information on the hardware infrastructure used, multi-core central (CPU) and graphic (GPU) processing units are used, with random access memory (RAM) capacity ranging from 8 to 224 Gigabytes (22,24,26,27,29,31-33,36,40,48,49,51,54,58,65).
Summary of evidence and insights
The explosive growth in research is evident, even when restricting the included models by applying narrow eligibility criteria (aforementioned criteria, including 12-lead only models, raw ECG as inputs, clinical entities as output and other). Relevant studies display significant heterogeneity in many aspects. At first, several different performance metrics are used across studies, hampering a comparative analysis at a certain extent. Moreover, there are numerous different datasets employed, comprising either publicly available databanks or private data collections, which, in turn, also determine the associated classification labels. Most importantly, different projects vary greatly with regard to the algorithmic types they use. While 28 studies (65%) employ a strictly DL approach, 7 studies (16%) follow more traditional approaches with simple ML classifiers based on extracted features as inputs. Finally, another 7 works (16%) employ mixed techniques (feature extraction and NN), while 1 study does not report the underlying algorithm in detail.
This trend toward DL approaches can plausibly be attributed to the recent release of numerous publicly available ECG databanks, leading the way for developing trainable, “data-hungry” DL models. From the MIT-BIH database (two-lead signals by 47 subjects) published in 2005 (66) and the PTB database (549 12-lead records from 290 subjects) released in 2004 (60), developers can now exploit tens of thousands of annotated, complete 12-lead ECG lines, obtained by various contemporary databanks (17,18,20,67). Recent ECG analysis contests, such as the “PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology”, the “First China ECG Smart Competition” and the “China Physiological Challenge”, have fostered new attempts and boosted related research. Moreover, modern advances in the DL field, such as attention layers, residual blocks, bidirectional LSTM/GRU and other structures, as well as the improvement of computer hardware, have also made feasible the analysis of large chunks of high-dimensional ECG data. Although deep NN usually demand considerably larger data sizes than simpler ML techniques, they can achieve remarkably high performances, even when dealing with multi-class problems (many clinical entities). On the contrary, simpler models are usually constrained to fewer classes in order to reach a satisfactory performance (e.g., binary classification between AF/non-AF). Indeed, strictly DL and mixed models use an average of 158,577 samples for training, while the same figure for simpler ML techniques (no NN) is 14,940 (these values were obtained by multiplying the whole dataset size with the percentage used for training, after any segmentation of ECG lines into frames/heartbeats had already taken place during pre-processing). However, the former models are able to “ingest” many more labels (7.7 on average), while the latter usually support only binary or few-label classification (4.6 labels on average). This intuitive tradeoff among algorithm type, dataset size, label size and predictive performance can be seen in Figure 1. Subsequently, DL approaches seem to prevail, despite their computational and data demands, partially due to the current existence of abundant data (public databases, digitization and automated storage of ECGs by novel ECG machines), but also due to the ongoing increase in computational power.
A critical point not to be missed is the interpretation of model performance in the medical scene. Although a slight difference of 0.5% in sensitivity might seem trivial as a number, when applied to the diagnosis of patients with a severe condition, for example, a MI, it means that 5 persons out of 1,000 will go undiagnosed when suffering from a possibly fatal heart attack. Therefore, sensitivity, in particular, is a crucial measure that should not be overlooked, in the case of a reassuringly high accuracy, F1-score or other metric. On the other hand, sacrificing PPV for the sake of sensitivity, will unnecessarily impose an extra burden on the already heavy workload of the clinicians, as it might accumulate overdiagnosed, healthy individuals in the emergency rooms. This example demonstrates the practical significance of optimizing diagnostic algorithms when applying them in such situations. Achieving a golden balance, but also excellence in particular metrics, is of absolute importance, but still seems an unreached goal that cultivates doubt among clinicians. Consequently, clinicians seem to consult automated ECG analysis reports for reaching a diagnosis, but still not to trust it over human judgment (4,68).
Generalizability and transparency are major concerns here, as they generally are in ML/DL development projects (69). Although novel algorithms have achieved impressive performance records, even in multi-label problems, most of them are predominantly trained and tested in the same, common databases, and predominantly in publicly available ones (Table 2). This raises the issue of external validity when dealing with real data from the worldwide pool of patients. In essence, such models might display satisfactory performance within the study setting, but may prove incapable of predicting accurately external data, as they might differ from those used for training in various aspects that had not been accounted for. One of the main reasons of limited diagnostic accuracy and compromised generalizability is the quality of the ECG signals. Raw 12-lead signals can be affected by several factors such as muscle movement, electrode placement, and interference from other devices, which can affect the accuracy of the model (70). Additionally, the quality of the signal can be affected by noise and artifacts, which can result in incorrect feature extraction and subsequently lower performance (71). Furthermore, the lack of diversity in the dataset used for training ML models can impact their external validity, making it difficult to generalize the results to other patient populations (21). Finally, the choice of ML algorithm can also impact the accuracy. For instance, DL-based models have shown great potential in ECG analysis (72), but they require significant computational power and large datasets.
Careful consideration of these factors is necessary to design accurate and reliable ML models for automated ECG analysis of raw 12-lead signals in cardiac diagnosis. Additionally, another possible solution to the problem of low generalizability could be the massive deployment of developed models through convenient means, e.g., mobile applications, so that they become accessible to clinicians worldwide. This could facilitate their validation by independent researchers, testing them on their own private collections of real ECG data. Furthermore, policies that compromise transparency should also be flagged. Only 33% of the projects using internal datasets, provided instructions on how to obtain the anonymized data, while only 19% of the overall studies offered guidance for accessing the source code. Preventing the specialized reader from examining and understanding the “inner workings” of the proposed models, hinders their further improvement and restricts scholars to comparing different approaches merely by their self-reported metrics, depriving them of the opportunity for an in-depth analysis. These facts indicate that transparency and reproducibility are problems still to be addressed.
Strengths and limitations
We assume that this review can add value to the existing knowledge since it summarizes the novel advances in ECG automated analysis models, focused on the narrow domain of 12-lead standard ECG practice. Its reproducibility is enhanced by explicitly reporting all the analysis steps, as well as by the adoption of the PRISMA standards. Insights on the application of different algorithmic approaches, along with their requirements and their benefits (trade-off among data size, predictive performance and label size “ingestion”) are provided and justified with evidence. We deem that this review fosters a solid ground for future research, by attempting a golden balance between technical aspects useful for data analysts/developers, and clinical viewpoints, meaningful to healthcare experts. In this report, we decided to narrow down the spectrum of examined applications to the standard 12-lead ECG setting. While integrating more subfield orientations [for example, Holter signals with long durations but few leads (16), or even single-lead wearable devices destined for patient self-monitoring (14,15)] would possibly make the provided information more inclusive, it would result in a report of limited practical usability and applicability, as the outcomes would stem from highly heterogenous underlying settings. Despite any variations among the model structures, the studies included in this review apply to the same setting, enabling their outcomes to be directly comparable. Finally, by applying inclusive search terms and scanning a variety of databases, we esteem that our findings are as up-to-date as possible.
However, this work is better understood within the spectrum of its limitations. A general drawback of reviews in this field is that they quickly become outdated. Indeed, the ability to build such models with only a commodity computer and adequate data, as minimal requirements, has led to a remarkable bloom in related research. “New waves” of attempts are typically triggered with release of every new database. To handle this enormous amount of entries across “time” and “space”, we restricted our search to studies published within the past 5 years, that focused specifically on 12-lead ECG models. In this way, we ensured that only contemporary approaches are included, we enhanced the clinical usability of the results and secured their longer “life-span”, however, with the inevitable cost of possibly omitting neighboring subdomains, such as Holter signal analyses, that might offer additional insights. Nevertheless, comparative analyses of single- vs. multi-lead models have shown a slight, yet clinically important, difference in performance that favors the latter (30,58). Additionally, the considerable, multilevel heterogeneity in studies (among algorithms, datasets, metrics and labels) makes it difficult to construct a standardized way for grouping and comparing studies, not to mention identifying any superior approach. It seems that there is no “one-to-rule-them-all” solution, but many “try-and-error”, domain-specific attempts. Furthermore, the presentation of the very fine details of every model’s structure was impossible, leading to some loss of possibly significant information from the developer’s point of view, especially regarding the deep NN architecture (for example, window size, stride and other aspects of every convolution layer). To compensate for that, we created an illustrated, semantic representation of the basic structure of each model, presented in Table S1, and we also provided full references to all related studies. Finally, we were not able to reproduce the workflow and results of each model, since very few studies provided access to their source code and data. Given this, the need for policies fostering reproducibility and transparency must be highlighted.
Despite having a long-standing presence since the 1950s, automated ECG analysis exhibits unprecedented growth nowadays. Modern analytic techniques (mainly employing DL approaches), newly released, publicly available datasets, and the improvements in computational power, may be considered as the driving factors of this progress. Several studies, experimenting with novel approaches in this field, report performance measures close to 100%. Although encouraging, these outcomes should be interpreted with caution, always minding the underlying heterogeneity of relevant attempts, as well as any generalizability, transparency and reproducibility issues.
Overcoming these issues is still a challenge and a call for future research. Deployable models, for example through mobile or web applications, could not only sharply increase the usability of the various models, but also validate their high predictive value on real-life ECG data, obtained from the worldwide medical community. Room for improvement also exists in the number and type of clinical entities employed, as classification labels. In order to serve supportively, or even to substitute clinicians, in diagnosing heart conditions from ECG, automated models must not only provide high performance metrics for their tasks, but also adopt tasks of true value. This means that binary classification between individuals presenting with a specific disease (e.g., AF) and those who do not, particularly when this disease is easily detectable by the human eye, is of limited clinical value. On the contrary, models that can distinguish among a variety of different conditions, especially when they are typically hard to spot (e.g., ST-segment depression that might have various underlying causes), could be much more appreciated and utilized by clinicians. Fortunately, modern ECG databanks, with adequately large numbers of entries, and rich, nearly complete annotations, exist to support this aim and bring us one step closer to fully automated, reliable ECG interpretation.
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doi: 10.21037/jmai-22-94 Cite this article as: Pantelidis P, Bampa M, Oikonomou E, Papapetrou P. Machine learning models for automated interpretation of 12-lead electrocardiographic signals: a narrative review of techniques, challenges, achievements and clinical relevance. J Med Artif Intell 2023;6:6.