Changes and expectations of the digitally underprivileged in artificial intelligence: a systematic review focusing on sk...
Changes and expectations of the digitally underprivileged in artificial intelligence: a systematic review focusing on skin health for the welfare of the elderly
Review Article
Changes and expectations of the digitally underprivileged in artificial intelligence: a systematic review focusing on skin health for the welfare of the elderly
Jinkyung Lee1, Ki Han Kwon2
1Division of Beauty Arts Care, Department of Practical Arts, Graduate School of Culture and Arts, Dongguk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea;
2College of General Education, Kookmin University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: Both authors; (II) Administrative support: None; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: J Lee; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: J Lee; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: J Lee; (VI) Manuscript writing: Both authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: Both authors.
Correspondence to: Ki Han Kwon, PhD. Professor, College of General Education, Kookmin University, 77 Jeongneung-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02707, Republic of Korea. Email:
Background: Worldwide, various studies are being conducted on the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT. This is evidence that natural language computer applications are becoming increasingly sophisticated. As the 4th Industrial Revolution rapidly increased, difficulties continued for the digitally disadvantaged. As the scope of application of AI expands, we examined the possibility of utilizing the presence of Senior Connection, a digitally underprivileged group. Here, we sought to investigate the possibility of using AI for the welfare of the elderly among the digitally underprivileged.
Methods: A comprehensive literature review was conducted of PubMed, MEDLINE, Scopus, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar databases. According to PRISMA flow chart guidelines and using a chain of search words such as “AI”, “ChatGPT”, “digitally underprivileged”, “Senior welfare”, “Senior beauty”, “customized cosmetics”, “mobile apps”, “skin health”. Accordingly, we searched a total of 1,234 articles and selected 70 articles in the final stage. We searched for studies and reported quantitative and qualitative data. Two independent reviewers performed data extraction and study quality assessment.
Results: In this study, through a comprehensive and systematic review, we concluded that AI can be used to enable healthy, sustainable, and beautiful lives for digitally marginalized groups. AI still has many negative safety-related findings. Nevertheless, for the sustainable safety of the digitally underprivileged and the welfare of the elderly, consumers will strive to solve various health problems for healthy skin and hair, confirming the strong need for the convenience of AI.
Conclusions: However, challenges associated with utilizing AI remain, including lack of curated medical data and concerns about data security. Therefore, additional research should continue to be conducted on the development for skin health for the digitally vulnerable and elderly people’s welfare utilization.
Received: 07 March 2024; Accepted: 21 May 2024; Published online: 12 July 2024.
doi: 10.21037/jmai-24-66
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Key findings
• As the fourth industrial revolution takes place, a digitally marginalized class is emerging.
What is known and what is new?
• Previous reviews have discussed ChatGPT, public health communication, and the “intelligent patient companion”.
• However, there has been no previous research using ChatGPT to investigate the need for development for healthy skin and beauty for the welfare of the digitally underprivileged elderly.
What is the implication, and what should change now?
• We will need additional development based on the need for an easier skin health for the elderly, a digitally underprivileged group.
Worldwide, various studies are being conducted on the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT. This is evidence that natural language computer applications are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Recent releases enable deployment in healthcare-related contexts that have historically consisted of human-to-human interactions. Medical AI is a field of technology that be-longs to AI, and AI is a set of computational techniques that make computers think intelligently. With the development of these AI programs, disease diagnosis, treatment protocol development, drug development, personalized medicine, clinical decision support systems, and patient monitoring. AI is being applied and utilized in practice such as management and management. ChatGPT can either help or harm public health. In the latest version, the system responds to prompts from Open-AI’s new large language model (LLM). Since its launch in November 2022, it has generated great interest and deep concern. Another major growth factor for the current medical AI market is the adoption of AI technology by several pharmaceutical and biotech companies around the world to accelerate the process of developing vaccines or drugs against the coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) (1). This study recently looked at an AI-based conversational LLM ChatGPT. It is a study of the potential applications of the LLM in health management education, health research and practice. In these studies, relevant valid issues were investigated and preemptively addressed, leading to promising research results. As such, the usefulness of ChatGPT in health medical education and health research and practice is currently being investigated and conducted (2). Recently, AI-based language models such as AI show impressive capabilities. However, uncertainty is emerging about how well it will perform in real-world scenarios, particularly in fields such as medicine, which require high levels of complex thinking. Additionally, while there may be potential benefits to using AI for writing scientific articles and other scientific output, important ethical issues must also be ad-dressed. Nevertheless, AI is good at performing various language-related tasks, and research is underway to utilize it for dental and various medical information. AI performs text summarization and efficient dental health writing as well as clinical decision support functions. It also offers the possibility of multilingual communication. ChatGPT is expected to expand its content for health-related questions as more people seek health information. While it may not significantly impact the daily lives of the healthcare workforce, it can serve as an additional tool to streamline administrative workflows and potentially support clinical decision-making in the future. Accordingly, AI is currently one of the nascent technologies; AI for medical use It is expected to develop significantly in the coming years due to several factors, such as the expanding application of AI in healthcare and the growing need to improve operational capabilities (3-12).
The Internet of Things (IoT) and the explosive growth of intelligent and smart connected devices are bringing about a new paradigm called smart cities that has emerged. New developments are centered around these automated AI-based digital services. In the smart world, digitalization and IoT can be utilized on a large scale to provide various services that make urban life more convenient. These services include “smart health”, “smart transportation, logistics and mobility”, and “smart” in the new world. These include “Education”, “Smart Manufacturing”, “Smart Availability in Social Services Management”, “Smart Fire Fighting” and “Smart Security Systems”. Even though the Fourth Industrial Revolution is rapidly progressing due to various developments, new dreams such as an era without delays, fast internet at unprecedented speeds, and extraterrestrial communication have not yet become reality. We need to identify the exposure of the digital gap and the important underlying drivers of the gap. As a result, they may not be able to utilize physical access, resulting in stage 3 of the digital divide, or utility gap, and thus falling into the digital divide cycle (13-16).
As the non-face-to-face society continues after the COVID-19 pandemic, a study on mobile shopping for cosmetics targeting women in their 40s to 60s in Republic of Korea also found that the digitally underprivileged group in their 60s or older expressed difficulty in purchasing. Therefore, the need for easy app development was mentioned (13-17). As the aging population increases, needs for beauty and health are increasing. This is a new phenomenon that is occurring as the world ages and life expectancy increases. We are entering an age where simply living a long life is no longer the goal. People expect to live a long life and maintain physical health along with a youthful appearance. Research results show that humans continue to care about their appearance even in old age. And interest in beauty has also increased. This can bring satisfaction to everyone’s self-image with beautiful skin, hair, and a healthy body. We can now confirm that the pursuit of beauty is an important part of achieving well-being (18,19). Consumers around the world are looking for personal care products that provide various benefits using AI for health and beauty. We also hope that the latest advances in technology will integrate innovative medical products with safe ingredients. In this current environment, customized and differentiated products for skin health treatment and health beauty food are being produced. Recently, a home appliance was introduced that makes customized cosmetics on demand using AI. Shiseido, a Japanese cosmetics company, provides customized products considering variables such as temperature, humidity, and menstrual cycle. We developed a system that can assess skin texture, pores, and moisture content for healthy skin by using augmented reality (AR) photos in combination with simple photos. This allows the IoT enabled machines to dispense the correct combination of serum and moisturizer to provide the best-personalized cosmetics. Additionally, the market for customized cosmetics and customized inner beauty products is gradually expanding, and various studies are being conducted accordingly. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the desire for healthy beauty is increasing and can be confirmed by research on customized anti-obesity creams using nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (NRF2) antioxidant as well as customized anti-obesity creams using leptin. As such, various studies for healthy beauty are continuously being conducted after COVID-19 (17,20,21).
In this study, as the scope of application of AI expands, we examined the possibility of utilizing the presence of Senior Connection, a digitally underprivileged group. Here, we sought to investigate the possibility of using AI for the welfare of the elderly among the digitally underprivileged. This includes providing baseline fundamental data that allows us to respond flexibly and quickly to the needs of older consumers in a virtual marketplace. Accordingly, we hope that ChatGPT in Elderly Care and the Global AI Market will become main data, hoping for possible beauty to identify the driving forces of the AI market and the challenges that need to be addressed. We present this article in accordance with the PRISMA reporting checklist (available at
Materials and methods
Although this literature review was a systematic review, we searched various online health and medicine-focused databases using the following search term chains following the PRISMA flow diagram guidelines: AI, ChatGPT, health, mobile apps, healthy beauty, digitally underprivileged, senior welfare, senior beauty, virtual market. Figure 1 shows the flow chart involved in the process of finding and selecting studies for inclusion in this literature review. In addition, the model diagram of the study is shown in Figure 2. The increase in the elderly population in Korea is shown in Figure 3. Also, the time flow outline of AI is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 1 PRISMA flow diagram.
Figure 2 Research model diagram. AI, artificial intelligence.
Figure 3 Growing elderly population in Republic of Korea.
Figure 4 Overview of the time flow of ChatGPT.
Search strategy
This study utilized a comprehensive literature review that searched PubMed, Medline, Scopus, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar databases. Accordingly, we searched a total of 1,234 studies and selected 70 studies in the final stage. Among the 1,234 retrieved papers, 224 duplicate records were removed, 192 records marked as ineligible by the automated tool were removed, and 208 records were removed for other reasons. An additional 20 reports that could not be retrieved were removed. Additionally, 5 references that could not be cited, 2 exceptions whose full text was not available, and 2 whose full text was not available were also removed. This resulted in the inclusion of 70 final items consisting of n=29 reviews, n=40 studies, and n=1 meta-analysis guideline. Our search algorithm was [(‘AI’ OR ‘chatGPT’ OR ‘digitally underprivileged’ OR ‘health’ OR ‘skin health’ OR ‘senior welfare’ OR ‘senior beauty’ OR ‘artificial intelligence’ OR ‘customized cosmetics’ OR ‘mobile apps’) AND (medical care according to skin health)]. To ensure the studies’ relevance, terms were searched and proceeded.
Study selection
Studies were considered eligible if they met the following criteria: (I) quantitative data were reported, and (II) authors reviewed the titles obtained, and studies with only abstracts in the thesis were excluded. We evaluated all studies for inclusion criteria after reviewing abstracts of archived articles. The qualitative evaluation of studies was re-peated by the authors for quality assessment. The tool identified 70 items, but not all were suitable for all studies. In these cases, only relevant items were used.
Data extraction and management
Data were extracted by the authors using a standardized data extraction form. This included study focus (i.e., AI, mobile apps, and health), exposure (type of AI utilization), study country, age group, sex, study design, reported measures (independent variables), and outcome measures. The extraction form was tested to ensure standardization of data collection. The authors reviewed the extracted data.
Characteristics of the included studies
The contents of AI health management are summarized in Table 1. This represents the benefits of AI and ChatGPT health management. In addition, AIs within life beauty are shown in Table 2. The challenges of the global medical AI market are summarized in Table 3. Table 4 summarizes the development potential of the global medical AI market. This suggests that healthcare that reflects the needs of consumers can be further customized by expanding into AI-tailored daily beauty for the digitally underprivileged population, which is a growing elderly population worldwide.
ChatGPT Utility in Healthcare Education, Research, and Practice: Systematic Review on the Promising Perspectives and Valid Concerns
Evaluating the Feasibility of ChatGPT in Healthcare: An Analysis of Multiple Clinical and Research Scenarios
Mitigating the Burden of Severe Pediatric Respiratory Viruses in the Post-COVID-19 Era: ChatGPT Insights and Recommendations
Enhancing Expert Panel Discussions in Pediatric Palliative Care: Innovative Scenario Development and Summarization With ChatGPT-4
Talk with ChatGPT About the Outbreak of Mpox in 2022: Reflections and Suggestions from AI Dimensions
The potential applications of the LLM in health care education, research, and practice can be promising if relevant valid issues are proactively investigated and addressed
AI-based language models such as ChatGPT have demonstrated impressive capabilities. There may also be potential benefits of using ChatGPT for authoring scientific articles and other scientific output
ChatGPT, a chatbot-generating pre-trained translator launched by OpenAI in November 2022, had both positive and negative aspects in medical writing. Nonetheless, it has the potential to generate mitigation proposals that can be implemented quickly
It suggests that ChatGPT-4 effectively facilitated complex DNR conflict resolution by outlining key themes such as effective communication, collaboration, patient- and family-centered care, trust, and ethical considerations. The inclusion of ChatGPT-4 in a pediatric palliative care panel discussion showed potential benefits for improving critical thinking among healthcare professionals
To explore how we can offer reflections and suggestions on the sudden Mpox outbreak in 2022, our group talked about some questions about ChatGPT and Mpox. We hope that this talk will enrich our knowledge of Mpox in a new AI dimension and demonstrate the potential for humans and AI to fight shoulder to shoulder for the prevention and containment of potential future epidemics or epidemics
Journal name
Healthcare (Basel)
J Med Syst
Ann Biomed Eng
LLM, large language model; AI, artificial intelligence; DNR, Do Not Resuscitate.
Novel cosmetic delivery systems: an application update
Encapsulating plant ingredients for dermocosmetic application: an updated review of delivery systems and characterization techniques
DTC genetic test for customized cosmetics in COVID-19 pandemic: Focused on women in their 40s and 60s in Seoul, Republic of Korea
Recognition and the development potential of mobile shopping of customized cosmetic on untact coronavirus disease 2019 period: Focused on 40’s to 60’s women in Seoul, Republic of Korea
Development of customized inner beauty products and customized cosmetics apps according to the use of NRF2 through DTC genetic testing after the COVID-19 pandemic
Today, a significant number of innovative formulations are used in personal care with tangible consumer-perceivable benefits and optimized sensory properties, resulting in improved economics for the cosmetic industry. The US market for new cosmetic delivery systems alone was projected to be more than $41 billion in 2007. The new cosmetic delivery system reviewed here has enormous potential as a next-generation smart carrier system
Today, rising consumer expectations for green and natural health products across the globe are driving a growing demand and ongoing search for new plant-derived phytochemicals in the cosmetic market. Summarizes the latest information on encapsulated botanical ingredients tailored for dermocosmetic applications, with a focus on the development of novel delivery systems
In the unexplored post-COVID-19 era, it was intended to study the recognition and purchase behavior of customized inner beauty and customized cosmetics through DTC genetic testing. As a result, it was much more effective to use customized inner beauty and customized cosmetics after DTC genetic testing
With the beginning of a non-face-to-face society after COVID-19, the use of customized cosmetics using AI through mobile hands-up will increase
It suggests the possibility of developing customized inner beauty and customized cosmetics using NRF2 antioxidants for healthy beauty after COVID-19
Emergence of digitally underprivileged classes due to the rapid acceleration of the 4th industrial revolution
As the Fourth Industrial Revolution increases, a new term, “digital gap”, has recently emerged. Times have changed to the extent that the digital divide inevitably plays an important role in individual lives. This can affect not only the lives of individuals, but also their use in the activities of organizations and countries. In this regard, it indicates the unequal distribution of digital technologies and information and communication technology (ICT). From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, the digital divide was simply either information abundance or information deficiency. However, once the Internet was publicly distributed, clear disparities emerged as to who had access and who did not. To indicate disparities between socioeconomic groups in access to technological tools. It appears that this term was coined. This finding can also be supported by the National Report on Telecommunications and Information Management. Here, we can see that the collapse of the Internet and the definition of the digital divide describe the digital divide as differences in access to telephones, personal computers (PCs), and the Internet between some groups of the population. Today, it is a global phenomenon that affects individuals, organizations, and even more. It appears that there may be a possibility of a digital gap occurring between countries, and additional research is deemed necessary. Additionally, as the aging population has recently increased worldwide, it is believed that it will be necessary to define this generation as the digitally underprivileged and to come up with a plan to support it (13-16,28,29). The increase in the elderly population is becoming an issue worldwide. As of 2022, the global proportion of the population aged 65 or older was 10.3%. In South Korea, it was also said that Korea would be transformed into a super-aging society by 2025. Korea’s life expectancy, which was only 62.1 years in the early 1970s, increased to 83.5 years in 2020. The elderly population in Korea is increasing at a very rapid rate shown in Figure 3. Rapid changes in population composition led to changes in household types. Single person households aged 70 or older are expected to account for the highest proportion at 42.9% in 2050, presenting a problem. Since 2010, the number of elderly households living alone has been increasing. This can be seen as a global trend. Due to changes in the family form of the elderly population and the increase in the elderly population, research on the elderly living alone will be necessary, and this is emerging as a social problem. Old age is a time when physical, social, economic, and mental capabilities decrease an individual’s ability to participate in family and social activities. This will have a significant impact on the lifestyle of the elderly in a digital society that is changing in many ways, and research on this will continue to be necessary as they are considered a digitally marginalized group (30-38). Growing elderly population in Republic of Korea is shown in Figure 3.
The beginning and spread of the AI era
The concept of AI was first introduced to the world by mathematician Alan Turing in 1950. This is where he first described the concept of using computers for critical thinking and other functions of human-like intelligence. Since then, the first documented application of AI in healthcare was in surgery in 1976. The possibility of diagnosing acute abdominal pain using computational analysis was explored. Then gradually, over the past 20 years, it has been used in modern medicine to help clinicians define diagnoses. It also confirms prognostic predictions for certain conditions. It also uses AI for many tasks in formulating treatment solutions. ChatGPT’s ability to chat like a human has become a trend on social media and news platforms in a very short time. This was made possible thanks to training implemented through reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). It is about guiding the model to solve a task by applying minimal human feedback. In fact, the released version of ChatGPT is a fine-tuned version of its predecessor, trained on large amounts of hu-man-generated data from the internet. OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, is known as a non-profit research AI research company launched in December 2015 and funded by investors such as Amazon Web Services, Tesla, and Microsoft (39). Since then, there have been massive restrictions such as being limited until 2021 and being in the preview stage. Nevertheless, ChatGPT has received a lot of attention not only from researchers but also from the public and continues to spread (40-42). ChatGPT is a variant of GPT-3.5 which was released by OpenAI in late November 2022. It has been tweaked using dialogues and chat transcripts to make it better at understanding and dynamically adjusting the context in a conversation. ChatGPT has taken the world by storm with its surprisingly sharp replies to prompts (43). ChatGPT, an open source chatbot introduced by OpenAI in late 2022, is being used in a variety of industries and is polarizing at the same time. Nevertheless, its use is taking place in various ways. As a prime example of this, the disclosure signed by hundreds of AI experts, scientists and entrepreneurs in March 2023 reads: It was about pausing further testing and development of AI models like ChatGPT. Despite these issues, research on the use of ChatGPT and discussions on its diversified use are continuing worldwide and are expected to spread further (42,44,45). The time flow overview of AI is shown in Figure 4.
AI health management for senior welfare
As population aging accelerates worldwide, our society also needs to improve the health status of the elderly and provide systematic life management. Therefore, we need to expand welfare services for vulnerable groups such as seniors living alone. To respond to the increase in the elderly population, it must be included in reasonable policies. Improving the lives of the elderly will improve the quality of life of individuals and open new indicators for life. Such welfare for the elderly will also be of great help in social and medical management (30-38). Healthcare providers around the world have repeatedly faced serious challenges from outbreaks of respiratory viruses such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), metapneumovirus and influenza virus. This has led to a greater focus on sustainable safety for health. Recently, the major growth factors for the AI market for healthcare with chatbots are the need for AI, increasingly large and complex data sets, surge in demand to reduce rising healthcare costs, improved computing power and hardware. Research is being conducted on reducing costs, increasing cross-industry partnerships and collaborations, and increasing the need for instant medical services due to the imbalance between medical personnel and patients. There is an emphasis on utilizing the possession of such beneficial abilities. There are still many issues, but they are being identified as having the potential to generate mitigation proposals that can be implemented quickly. On February 27, 2023, ChatGPT provided suggestions generated in response to the question “What is your advice for pediatricians?” This can be done by agreeing to the proposal that ChatGPT can act as a healthcare provider and supplementing the proposal with references. AI-powered chatbots can also be leveraged to identify powerful advanced healthcare systems that can quickly adapt to changing respiratory viruses that circulate seasonally (22). Also in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, ChatGPT version 4 (ChatGPT-4) was evaluated for its ability to summarize recommendations in a medical conference panel at the 1st Pan-Arab Pediatric Palliative Critical Care Hybrid Conference. To this end, scenarios have been optimized by AI models to stimulate in-depth conversations. The model also identified key topics from the summarized and collected panel and audience discussions. As a result, ChatGPT-4 was able to provide the following result values. The result is effective communication and collaboration. In addition, summaries were performed on key topics such as patient care, family centered care, trust, and ethical considerations, suggesting that they effectively facilitated the resolution of these complex Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) conflicts. Thus, the inclusion of ChatGPT-4 in pediatric palliative care panel discussions was identified as a potential benefit to improve critical decision-making among healthcare professionals (23). In 2022, a study was conducted to explore ways to provide reflections and suggestions based on conversations and results of the ChatGPT study on the sudden Mpox outbreak that year. This utilized ChatGPT to facilitate discussion on specific questions related to Mpox. ChatGPT enriches the knowledge of Mpox with a new AI dimension. It has also been found useful in preventing and suppressing potential infectious diseases. This key result demonstrates the potential for humans and AI to fight disease together. As a result, ChatGPT has been identified as sustainable health care going forward. It has been confirmed that it will continue to be used (24). Table 1 summarizes the contents of AI and ChatGPT health management.
Possibilities and challenges of daily beauty use in the global medical AI market
Another major growth factor for the current medical AI market is the adoption of AI technology by several pharmaceutical and biotech companies around the world to accelerate the process of developing vaccines or drugs against COVID-19. We also presented a new approach to enhancing expert panel discussions at medical conferences using ChatGPT-4 (12,17,23). As such, today’s global consumers are increasingly using AI for their health due to the pandemic. We are also paying attention to expanding to healthy beauty. These trends can be confirmed by functional materials and innovative delivery systems in the cosmetic field and inner beauty health food customized industry. They must focus on personal care and provide tangible benefits and optimized sensory properties that consumers can desire and perceive (25). Recently, a customized beauty service platform based on AI technology provides individual skin measurement and analysis. Also, today we use daily charts to store and manage personal data. Personalized services utilizing customized cosmetic curation and online-to-offline (O2O) beauty management are gradually evolving. We provide the knowledge of beauty experts combined with AI technology. We provide a variety of beauty services including skin, hair, health, and makeup. We also focus on providing user-centric services and dating that encourages personalization. In collaboration with dermatologists, the possibility of using previously collected patient skin data is reviewed dermatologically. It is about the possibility of applying AI for skin health and telemedicine. In addition, legal issues such as personal information protection were reviewed to identify learning data and data governance issues. As a result, the development of beauty and customized health platforms that receive data directly from customers without going through hospitals began. The AI skin health diagnosis service is conducted using a skin diagnosis deep learning algorithm. The user’s wrinkles, redness, elasticity, damage, and even the degree of pigmentation can be diagnosed. It is to provide a differentiated experience to customers by recommending optimized solutions. We are currently developing an accurate skin condition diagnosis and prediction model by applying a convolutional neural network ensemble. Active collaborative marketing with the digitally customized R&D industry for health and beauty, centered on domestic beauty companies, is required. This reflects the desires and needs of customers who pursue sustainable beauty even as they age. In addition, environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, ultraviolet (UV) exposure, and fine dust; it should be analyzed by reflecting life pattern factors such as the quality and quantity of sleep, water intake, and stress. Comprehensive factors, including climate impacts and DNA diagnostics, must be quantified to reflect continued safety. To improve health and beauty by providing customized inner beauty products and customized cosmetics, which are optimal customized solutions, it is necessary to build innovative services using digital technology (14,17,26). The possibility of using ChatGPT and AIs within life beauty is shown in Table 2. Additionally, Tables 3,4 summarize the development potential and challenges of the global medical AI market.
Main findings
This systematic review is a global medical AI market in the ChatGPT era as part of elderly welfare to improve management of the digitally underprivileged in a rapidly digitized society due to the increase in the elderly population and the 4th industrial revolution, which is a global issue. This is the first report to highlight its potential use in lifestyle beauty. Considering the need to manage the digitally underprivileged due to digital acceleration, additional research on the global medical AI market in the ChatGPT era is needed as part of continued welfare for the elderly. This topic will arouse further interest in the social welfare, health, inner beauty, and cosmetics industries in the future, and will serve as a key resource for utilizing easier open AI for elderly welfare for the digitally underprivileged.
AIs health management convenience and challenges
Through a comprehensive systematic review, we conclude that AI will be utilized to lead healthy, sustainable, and beautiful lives. AI still generates negative research results related to safety issues. Nevertheless, it has been reported that there is a great demand for the convenience of ChatGPT and for solving various health problems for consumers’ healthy skin and hair. It is judged that this will be used in the customized inner beauty market and customized cosmetics market in the future. Through continuous development, ChatGPT and AI are expected to be used more often due to fear of infectious disease and to maintain quality of life in an aging society. Pediatric palliative critical care chatbots and ChatGPT have been utilized and have had a positive impact on medical writing focused on outbreaks of respiratory viruses such as RSV, metapneumovirus, and influenza virus as well as Mpox outbreaks. AI-enabled chatbots have also been used in modeling seasonality. It provides a powerful and advanced healthcare system that can quickly adapt to the changing respiratory viruses and can identify key themes from summaries and collected panel and audience discussions. Additionally, it enables more effective communication and collaboration and confirmed that it is possible to summarize key topics such as family-centered care, trust, and ethical considerations. It was also found to help resolve complex DNR conflicts effectively and was identified as potentially beneficial in enhancing critical thinking. Furthermore, it also identified future challenges, such as identifying optimized solutions for the prevention and containment of epidemics (1,22-24). Yet, despite its drawbacks, it has the potential to generate mitigation proposals that can be implemented quickly. As healthcare providers, we agree with the proposals from AI and must supplement them with appropriate references (2-6,22,23).
The need for customized health & beauty using AI for the digitally underprivileged
Various studies are being conducted on the increase in the aging population around the world. Research results have shown that to increase the degree of healthy aging, it is necessary to establish an intervention program that manages people to have good lifestyle habits in daily life, increase social networks, and become smarter. In this way, daily life habits are very important for the elderly’s healthy old age. Lifestyle is a decision that individuals make that affects their health and over which they should have some control. Healthy lifestyle habits among older people can reduce the incidence of chronic diseases and depression. In addition, life expectancy may be extended accordingly. More systematic and healthy management is needed for healthy lifestyle habits. Additionally, research has shown that integrated smart home systems are an effective way to improve the quality of life of the elderly (27,46-59). We present a novel approach to enriching information about health using ChatGPT-4, a powerful recently released AI language model (1,7-9,12,17,23). We are focused on beauty and this trend will develop by combining new technologies with AI, an innovative delivery system, and functional materials in the cosmetics field and the customized inner beauty health food industry. A customized beauty service platform that provides individual skin measurement and analysis based on AI technology has emerged and various services are being provided through big data. Through collaboration with dermatologists, the patient’s potential use of skin data should be reviewed. This includes the possibility of utilizing AI in skin-related healthcare and telemedicine. It provides a differentiated experience to customers by recommending optimized solutions. Additionally, life pattern health information and stress management should be reflected according to the analysis environments (14,17,26,39). However, the legal issues such as the protection of personal information should be reviewed, and learning data and data governance issues should be identified and addressed. Comprehensive factors such as climate impact and DNA diagnosis should continuously address safety. To provide customized inner beauty products and customized cosmetics, which encompass optimal customized solutions, it is necessary to establish digital technology services for personal information protection through health & beauty (17,26).
How does health and beauty relate to the welfare of the elderly?
Due to global aging, improving, and enhancing the well-being of older people on the planet has become an important challenge. As life expectancy increases, people do not simply aim to live longer, but also expect to maintain physical health along with a youthful appearance. Even in old age, humans care about their appearance and are interested in beauty. This can lead to an individual’s appropriate appearance and self-image satisfaction with their body. The pursuit of beauty is a necessary part of achieving well-being. Research has shown that body image affects well-being in older adults. Research has also confirmed that appropriate cosmetic interventions can improve the psychological health of cancer patients. Older people’s approach to beauty may contribute to their well-being, but evidence on this remains insufficient. In addition, digitizing the well-being of these elderly people by connecting it with AI that can support beauty and cosmetics will be a new task (18,19,60-63).
How can mobile apps be designed to be accessible to the digitally underprivileged elderly population?
The functions and benefits of AI in the digital beauty health market can be summarized as follows. First, skin medical guidance and information: provides comprehensive information on symptoms and improves self-care practices to help individuals with their well-being. Second, skin improvement through mental health advice: clear skin can be improved by providing mental health advice to people who need emotional support during difficult times. Third, cultural intelligence and multilingual features and product information: you can receive multinational products by overcoming communication barriers caused by language differences. Ensure that vulnerable groups living in remote areas enjoy fair treatment and social and cultural dignity. Fourth, skin telemedicine and remote consultation: we provide skin telemedicine and remote consultation services to patients who want immediate treatment at home. Fifth, skin and health data exchange and policy framework support: provide real-time support to stakeholders, including doctors, patients, and policy makers, ensuring seamless integration throughout implementation. Sixth, personalized suggestions: based on the individual’s skin history and unique beauty goals, personalized suggestions for exercise routines, diet plans, and cosmetics are provided to provide information about these, thereby improving well-being and contributing to skin disease prevention strategies.
With these capabilities, we believe AI will be able to drive unprecedented medical innovation in the field of digital skin health (64-67).
What is already known about this topic, and what does this study add?
Previous reviews have discussed ChatGPT, Public Health Communications, and the “intelligent patient companion”. However, there has been no previous research using ChatGPT to investigate the need for easier mobile app development for healthy skin and beauty for the welfare of the digitally underprivileged elderly. Accordingly, ChatGPT, OpenAI’s new LLM, confirmed the possibility of maintaining a healthy life through customized skin diagnosis that even the digitally underprivileged can easily use using mobile applications. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many studies should further investigate the development potential of ChatGPT for consumer experiences related to rising health concerns and increased mobile use (1,17,27,46-59,68,69).
Limitations of this study
The limitations of this study are as follows. First, ChatGPT has ethical issues and various studies are still examining these issues. Second, we acknowledge that all systematic reviews are subject to publication bias. Additionally, the databases used may introduce bias as most of the studies indexed are from developed countries. Nevertheless, efforts have been made to reproduce known quality and data. In addition, a comprehensive search was systematically performed using a rigorous search method including data extraction. However, as a follow-up study to improve the limitations of this study, we will conduct a quantitative study on the applicability of ChatGPT for a healthy and beauty life.
This paper develops an app to improve health and a beautiful life using AI using ChatGPT to provide elderly welfare for the newly emerging digitally underprivileged due to the increase in the elderly population and the acceleration of the 4th industrial revolution, which are becoming issues around the world. This is the first review to provide a comprehensive summary of after COVID-19, consumer demand for health and beauty has increased. As the non-face-to-face society develops, reliance on open AI is expected to increase. In addition, as the aging society progresses, awareness of customized inner beauty and customized cosmetics for healthy skin, hair, and beauty is increasing, raising the need for development. Therefore, we believe that AI can drive unprecedented medical innovation in the field of digital skin health. Accordingly, we will further develop an easy-to-use and convenient mobile app for skin health for the welfare of the digitally vulnerable and the elderly. Research will need to continue.
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See:
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doi: 10.21037/jmai-24-66 Cite this article as: Lee J, Kwon KH. Changes and expectations of the digitally underprivileged in artificial intelligence: a systematic review focusing on skin health for the welfare of the elderly. J Med Artif Intell 2024;7:30.